

Important shareholder information

In March 2024, Aspen Group Limited (Aspen) sought to gain control of Eureka Group Holdings Limited (Eureka) via an unsolicited, all-scrip takeover to acquire all of Eureka’s shares.

The Offer Period closed on 28 May 2024. The majority of Eureka’s shareholders rejected Aspen’s offer, demonstrating support for the Eureka Board and its existing build-to-rent strategy.

Aspen’s bid to gain control of Eureka was unsuccessful.

Eureka’s Target’s Statement was sent to Eureka shareholders on 8 April 2024 and is available at the following links:

Eureka’s First Supplementary Target’s Statement was published on 6 May 2024 and is available at the following links:

Frequently Asked Questions are also contained in section 3 (page 20) of the Target’s Statement.

Key ASX Announcements